Our projects

Repro Justice

In many African countries, including Kenya, sexual behaviour between consenting adults of the same sex/gender is illegal which results in limited availability and access to health services and information for sexual and gender minorities.

The Kenyan Constitution states that all Kenyans have a right to the highest possible standard to health but does not explicitly mention the rights of sexual and gender minority people (Constitution of Kenya, 2010). Four factors are frequently considered when assessing this standard: availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of care.

Poor access to quality care can negatively affect sexual and gender minorities. Members of the LGBQT community have a higher burden of disease in STD/STI and HIV, STI-related cancers, mental health .

Media Advocacy and Public Education:

We campaign to highlight LGBTQ Human Rights including:

The Right to the Universal Enjoyment of Human Rights

The Rights to Equality and Non-discrimination

The Right to Recognition Before the Law

The Right to Life

The Right to Security of the Person

Digital Rights

Educate and raise awareness among vulnerable LGBTIQ members to avoid the proliferation of violence against their identities, including when online and technology-facilitated

Advocate against homophobia and unjust laws that degrade human rights by running social media awareness campaigns

Recognize that violence against LGBTIQ community in the digital sphere is yet another manifestation of gender-based violence and a continuum of violence affecting them in all areas of life and thus build the capacity of our members on how to protect themselves

Equip vulnerable LGBTIQ members with necessary knowledge & skills on how to safely navigate through the internet, prevent online attacks and build a safer internet environment

Safe Shelter

With nowhere to go when assaulted for their sexuality, members of the LGBTQ+ community face homelessness. And that's where our Drop-In Space comes in.

We offer:

Emotional/social support

Promote social connectedness

Model pro-social behaviors and positive relationships, and addressing risk factors and protective factors in a way that increases resilience among LGBTQ+ youth.

STEM Approach

We offer:

Work together to provide support for girls to enhance their uptake and engagement in STEM subjects.

Explore the latest policy developments from leaders in the sector on the next steps in supporting STEM education and career advancement for women

Outline the steps that need to be taken to ensure gender equality and diversity in STEM.

Motivate more women to become STEM Ambassadors and mentors to support the development of future leaders in the sector

Network with like-minded professionals from across the STEM sector to share best practice and guidance.

Launch an educational scholarship programme for girls in STEM

Movement building

Our campaigns seek a reduction in violence against LGBTQ people and increased security of advocates and communities through:

Documentation: Collection and collation, documenting, disaggregating, and analyzing data on violence directed at LGBTQ populations, from state-sponsored to private actors, and utilizing findings for advocacy at local, country, or regional levels for accountability and/or socio-cultural change.

Base-building and Mobilization: initiatives to increase movement coordination for specific advocacy goals, to expand the size and democratic participation of local constituencies, with the recognition of power and leadership of LGBTQ people