Free at Last..

"Coming out was the most difficult thing for me. My sister kept pushing me to face my fears but I just couldn't do it. What if I was sacked from my job? Or my family kicked me out? What if I lost all my friends and became a social pariah? What if...

"Well, they say whatever you manifest it comes right to your doorstep. All these - plus much more - happened to me.

"I had the audacity to share my story during a staff meeting when my boss asked if anyone had anything to say after an exceptionally lively staff meeting.

"Be bold, I told myself as I timidly raised my hand. As soon as all eyes turned on me, I knew I had made a mistake. But it was too late.
"My immediate boss was livid. I thought you were really special, she told me as I was packing my stuff. Not only had I embarrassed myself but I was out of a job. Humiliated.
"My parents were waiting for me. Its my dad who had connected me with the job so he knew what was happening. And they didn't mince their words. I thought my mum would understand but she actually carried my bag and dropped it on the front door.
"As I looked at my sister standing at a window, I knew the hard part was over. No more pretense. No more hiding in the closet.

"I was free....."