"Finding a new Community was like the best thing that happened to me. They embraced me, seeing no fault with me, taking me the way I was. The tears cascading down my cheeks didn't even begin to express what I was feeling deep inside me.".
"Having someone by my side 24/7 has given me a confidence I never had before. I no longer sink into the abyss when feelings of dejection flood me. And when things get out of hand as sometimes they do, help is only a call away..."
"All I can say is that I feel at peace. Completely submerged in a certain tranquility I just can't explain. This is my home now. My roots. My everything.."
"Growth has been long in coming. But now I can freely say I know myself. Am no longer confused. Things are much clearer now, very lucid. I know where am headed. And the future is promising."